
Showing posts from April, 2017


NISHKALANK MAHADEV TEMPLE IN BHAVNAGAR, GUJARAT DURING HIGH TIDE DURING LOW TIDE   A temple under the sea! Yes, you are right. It is a temple, that too, a functional temple right under the sea in a place called Koliyak in Bhavnagar in the state of Gujarat in North Western India. Every day, when the tide is high, only a mast and a flag are visible from the coast. Then, when the waters recede, they reveal a wondrous Shiva temple which is now accessible to the eagerly waiting devotees at about one and a half km into the sea. Lord Shiva is the deity at this temple; He is called the Nishkalank or pure from imperfections. Devotees throng this place of worship with offerings during the tide recession and hurry back in time before the tide builds up again. The demand for auspicious Darshan of the Lord peaks during the new moon phase and the full moon phase, when the tides are also most powerful- but then such is the faith of the Shiv...